Sunday, 16 November 2008

Busy Bees

Well, we had a great time in Dublin 2 weeks ago and met some more lovely knitters.

I mislaid my card from my camera so wasn't able to take any photos.

Then last Saturday we had the Wool Festival in St Abbs, which was a great success, We are planning a Wool Festival for next year, also by popular demand some knitting weekends and knitting days.
The Wool Festival would not have worked without the Woolfish Knitters and Stitches namely Dianne-who was working on her Proggy Rug and was helping out wherever she was needed, Linda - who had her own table filled with amazing things that I wanted to buy, Grace - who was serving coffee and scones in aid of the Vine Trust and knitting every spare minute she could, Romana - who has just moved house and just to get to St Abbs was great but did that stop her knitting -no- it was great to see her, Lucy - well, she had a table full of stash wool which apparently was just the tip of the iceberg, she did very well, will she set up in competition with me? we will have to wait and see, Irene- who was able to come even though she had visitors, and Maria who sat at the door and made everyone welcome, I tried to take her place but didn't do nearly as well, she is trying to get out of it next year but to replace her will be impossible.

Just before the Wool Festival we started renting the Old Smiddy for the winter and opened it that weekend with lots of help from Helen, Ryan my sister Alison who helped out at the last minute, and last but not least my right hand girl, my lovely daughter Trudi who was running about like a headless chicken during the time of the Wool Festival, how would I manage without her.

Now we/ Trudi are trying to get things together for the Knitting and Stitching Show in Harrogate, we have got wonderful cashmere and other wonderful wool.

I will try and get my camera put right and then I can take lots of photos of not only the show but also all the wonderful yarn.


Anonymous said...

st abbs woolfest was a stunning event. fab examples of creativity can you do every year please

also workshops on the sunday would be great

Anonymous said...

the cheese scones are fab

Anonymous said...

Big thanks to Louise for letting us do the Teas and Scones...£412 raised for the Vine Trust which will go a long way to help the street children in Peru!
Great day!

Anonymous said...

had a really great day at the Harrogate knitting and stitching festival.
I can say that after walking all of the halls 6 , that the best knitting stand by far was in fact Woolfish. no surprise.
The creative display by of course the great woolfish babes / great hands on knitting by Louise and i mean literally hands on no knitting pins great for kidz try it!!!!!


Anonymous said...

simply wow! / baah baah

new wools seen at the wooleeh wool shop in st abbs.

My pins are at the ready for some winter projects. I am planning to make a wall hanging using various techniques and yarn textures.
